The state of being or becoming a mother. The journey that touches each mom in unique ways. A transition where some might feel profoundly altered. A love so deep, warm, powerful, endlessly, safe and supportive.
This month we embrace and celebrate the motherhood. The ever-evolving bodies and all the stages it entails. One of our intentions behind creating nous trois was to create a universe and a space to inspire, to get closer, to acquire new knowledge and a place where we can cheer each other on. 

Rosemarie is mother we admire. We met Rosemarie her daughter Roberta for a little talk about motherhood and it's early stages. How motherhood changes Rosemarie and what tip she would like to pass on to all the mothers-to-be.

Meet all advice with open arms 
You do not know what kind of baby you will have, so by taking in many advices you will get to now a lot of different experiences.

Don't just do things that someone read in a book
Instead you should trust your gut feeling and both see and feel your child.

Prioritize buying the things that can make your everyday life easier
By doing this I experienced having so much more time for fun and for love. 

How motherhood changed Rosemarie

I gained so much peace inside my heart. It's a kind of love that cannot be described, but after becoming a mother this feeling appeared inside me. I am incredibly proud of what I have achieved so far and my daughter Roberta gives me the strenght to keep developing and she makes me becoming the very best version of me.

A little side note; "I went from not thinking I should have any children to dream about having 5. To share your love is so magical."

In connection to the motherhood we launched our MOM kits this month. A kit that is intended to be a warming gift for the new mother or the mother-to-be. You can personalize your kit and choose your favorite MINOIS product, color of bib and tea-blend.

Experience and create your very own kit here. Weather it is for yourself, your best friend, colleague or a family member, we hope that this little basket will bring out a sense of joy and togetherness.

- the three of us ☘︎ 
26. februar, 2023 — Caroline Marburger
Tags: motherhood