nous trois ・ journal
no. 17・ Pernille Rahbek
Kære jer. I denne måneds journal-post ønsker vi at sætte fokus på skiftet til denne mørkere tid, som vi nu har begivet os helt godt og grundigt ind i. En tid...
no. 15 ・ Being intentional
Dearest you. We hope you had a calm and lovely beginning of this February month. As you might know, we set a monthly focus every month. A focus that catched our heart and mind. It works...
no. 14・The magic of winter solstice
We entered a new year and a new season and we are beyond excited to share this with you. The Winter Solstice, also called the hibernal solstice, occured back in December....
no. 13・The power of giving
We are entering a new season; winter time and this also means that both the sunrise and the sunset will be about 1 hour earlier. While the autumn leaves are falling, we connect and adapt...
no. 12・Turning inwards
Dearest you. We hope you had a beautiful beginning of this October month. As you might know, we set a monthly focus every month. A focus that catched our heart and mind. It...
no. 11・Routines
As you might have noticed, we set a monthly focus every month. A focus that comes with an intention we can all keep in mind and cultivate in our very own...
no. 10・Togetherness
Every month we set a monthly focus. A focus that comes with an intention we can all keep in mind and cultivate in our very own way. For this month we...
no. 9・Barefoot Living
The concept of living barefoot can symbolise a way of living; to be authentic, vulnerable and sensitive to our surroundings. It is a way of living that has the lightest...
no. 8・Summer Rituals
A ritual; something that you do regularly and in the same way each time. We seek to live a sustainable, loving and meaningful way of life filled with the people we...
no. 7・Anna Reinholdt (Danish)
om moderskab og selvkærlighed Kære Anna. Tusind tak for at du vil være en del af nous trois journal. Vi deler her ud af tips til alt fra sundhed, velvære,...
no. 6 ・ Self-love
To fall in love with yourself. Our intention is to inspire you on your journey of self-love and to be a part of your sustainable and loving way of living. Seeking to...
no. 5・Earth Day
Nature is calling. We are opening our windows, taking deep breaths of the fresh air and soaking up the scent of spring. We are letting nature come alive inside our four walls...