Dearest you. We hope you had a beautiful beginning of this October month. As you might know, we set a monthly focus every month. A focus that catched our heart and mind. It works for us like a reminder that comes with intentions that we can all keep in mind and cultivate in our very own way.

While spring is about expansion and leaping into action, fall tend to be a time of turning inward.

The outward expression of energy in the spring gets replaced by an more inward energy that inspires us to slow down and spend more time being with our inner self. A time to contemplate. Since we just entered this new season we thought is was a lovely time to experience how we can embrace this transition.

1. Embrace the change

Change and letting go is a part of life, and a beautiful reminder of this is the changing seasons. Fall got is very own magics with it's bursting colors of the autumn leaves, the crisp and cool air in the morning and the darker and cosy nights staying in. It does not mean, that we should ignore the nostalgic feelings of a summer that passed. Instead we are creating space for the beauty of both, of the present and the beauty of letting go. 

2. Sit in stillness

In between our busy schedules and the way we go about our daily lives, our minds are very often externalised. It takes some practice to feel what is taking place within and we can somehow become strangers to ourselves. 
The practise of meditation helps us to see the workings of our minds and understand our true inner world. When turning inwards, we will discover the unseen and we will learn both to pay attention and understand different levels of ourselves, our body, our mind, breath and emotions. Maybe you feel a call to spend more time in your own company and with you thoughts in stillness at this cosy season. 

3. Prepare highlights for the coming winter

There is no doubt about that the winter despite of it's beauty and it's magic can be though to get through some times. By planning some highlights that can light you up and make you look forward to accommodate the wintertime. The preparation can also involve your plan for some movement on the days when the temperatures drops below freezing or maybe a massage once or twice a month if possible?

4. Adjust your calender and do it with love

This might sound problematic, but too few people do it. In the winter time the days are shorter and by that our schedule might has to change a bit. If it is possible for you to make some small adjustment, so your days feel more aligned to the season. The winter evenings are beside this great for sitting inside reading or watching some cosy movies which is a way of turning inward too.

5. Remember to connect 

Do turn inward does that mean isolation, either does hibernation. When we turn inward we do need some company with our fellow human beings from time to time. When we look at this from a more spiritual perspective, the 'shanga' or the community is a key component to the journey. In the winter it might be even more important to create some connections that can help support our intentions in life. Spend time with your loved ones and maybe you will like to join a class or some online course, that can also bring out some new relations. Take your time to plan how you will connect with people during the winter. Fall is a lovely time to create the connections and begin to engage. 
06. oktober, 2023 — Caroline Marburger