Have you heard of the slow living movement? If not, we will let you into this wonderful mindset and way of living. The phenomenon can be described as a mind-set whereby you curate a meaningful and conscious lifestyle. One that is in line with the things you value most in life. 

The movement began in Italy back in the 1980’s and a thing we think makes this movement even more interesting is that, it also helps us to bring focus on word ‘slow’. Like many other might do, we have been associating the word with words like unproductive, sluggish, and lazy.

Carl Honoré, who is a well-known author and speaker on the slow movement, talks about the ‘good slow’ and the ‘bad slow’. It’s really not about moving at a snail’s pace, but simply to create awareness and start being consciously to thing at their right speed. By doing this we allow ourselves to feel what is important to us and with this knowledge we can prioritize in a new and better way.

The movement inspires us to slow down and let things be at the right speed. Instead of doing things faster, the slow living movement strives to to things better. This is exactly what we are practicing ourselves; to do less, doing more of the things we love and most importantly to slow it all down.

When we slow down we might experience the world in a new way. Maybe you will start feeling your true values and placing them at the heart of your lifestyle. The movement encourages us to choose consciously and make purposeful decisions that both benefits our well-being and our planet.

When we start living with more self-awareness we tend to start being more present, to choose quality over quantity our surrounding.

Benefits of living slower 

Brooke McAlary writes in her book SLOW;
this isn’t a race with a start and finish line. This is slow, imperfect, intentionel and evolving.


Embracing the time 
You might feel like you achieve more time when cutting our activities that distract you or the ons that do not fulfill you. 
A stronger connection with nature
By slowing down we can reconnect with nature and start noticing the seasonal living. 
Finding purpose 
As mentioned above you might start feeling your true values and placing them at the heart of your lifestyle. This can help you achieve a work-life balance that works out for you and by this making time for the things that matters the most. This leads us towards a life with more purpose and fulfilment. 
Experiencing being present
Living slow encourage us to become more mindful in our way of living, to manage stress and to celebrate and embrace the moment.
Improved relationships
When we reduce stress, reclaiming our time and live mindfully it might have an impact on our quality time with our loved ones.

How to start incorporate a slower way of living?   

Start by journaling some of your wishes for your life and about your thoughts of a slower living. Switch off your autopilot and start creating space for reflection and self-awareness. Remember that slow living might not be a quick fix either. It is a shift in our mindsets that may take time.

Thank you for taking the time to read our journal. 
- the three of us ☘︎ 
21. marts, 2023 — Caroline Marburger
Tags: slow living