We entered a new year and a new season and we are beyond excited to share this with you. The Winter Solstice, also called the hibernal solstice, occured back in December. It happens when either of Earth's poles reached it's maximum tilt away from the sun. At this time the sun travels the shortest through the sky, and that day therefore has the least daylight and the longest night. 

After the solstice, the days get longer, and this day has been celebrated in many cultures as a time of rebirth. Nature beckons us to mark this enchanting time that carries a tale of profound significance.

Rebirth, reflection and the triumph of light over darkness.

As the sun retreats, the Winter Solstice calls upon us to embrace the darkness within and without. As we mentioned in our post about turning inwards, this time is an opportune moment for introspection, a chance to delve into the depths of our soul and ponder the lessons learned, the grownth achieved, and the dreams kindled throughout the passing year. 

The beginning of this year reminded us to nurture our inner light and envision the dreams that lies ahead for the coming year. We created space for gratitude, while we acknowledge the journey and setting intetions for the burgeoning dawn of a new year.

Each and every day the beautiful promise emerges. The gradual return of the sun, the renewed light and warmth. Let this time be a celebration of hope and a reminder that even in the darkest of moments, light is every present, waiting to be embraced. 

This time also invites us to revel in nature's quiet majesty. Savour the stillness of snow-laden landscapes, the serenity of the silhouettes of the bare trees and the beauty of nature's hibernation. 

A serene pause before the earth stirs to life once more.

We wish for this time to illuminate our paths, inspire our souls and kindle the fires of love, unity and endless possibility. 

Thank you for taking the time to read our journal.
- nous trois ☘︎ 
05. januar, 2024 — Caroline Marburger